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Land of the Kimchee

Hello everyone. As you may know, I spent the last two weeks in Japan traveling and eating lots of delicious Japanese food. I really wanted to go to the Sumidigawa Fireworks near Tokyo on July 29, but my study abroad program starts on July 30th, so I had already reserved a plane ticket to Seoul on that day. Oh well, maybe next year.

The plane ride from Tokyo to Seoul was only about 2 hours, but there was a lot of waiting time before take off and after landing at the airport. So it was almost like 3 hours. The coordinator of the program at the University of Seoul picked me up at the airport and drove me to an apartment.

Apparently, the dorm for the international students had not been built yet, so I had to stay at an apartment for one night. I can't complain because there were 4 girls at the apartment in the same situation. So I ended up spending the night with 4 girls.

I had not eaten since I left Tokyo, so the coordinator treated me out to some Bulgogi, which is one of my favorite Korean foods. Not bad for a first night in Korea. Tomorrow, I move into the newly built dorms for the international students. Talk to you later.

Hey, I have tried the same template is you... How do you change the picture at the top? I'm really not that into golf...

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